A second Eric & Flo

A second Eric & Flo

The Eric & Flo is one of our most popular houses. A strikingly simple and timeless design, and also very powerful from every angle.

In 2017 a Dutch client wanted a copy. Now an exact copy was not possible because of the Dutch building regulations and we had to raise the roof by a few centimeters. Also this client installed underfloor heating with a heatpump whereas the original Eric & Flo has no heated floor, not even heat-pump, just a wood burner… But other than that the house is almost identical.

The environment is very different though. The original Eric & Flo is at the end of a small forest, on a slope, overlooking a valley. This second Eric & Flo is on flat terrain, overlooking a green meadow with Limousin cows and Blonde d’Aquitaines. The Eric & Flo fits in both environments very well.