Potdeksel in Overijssel

The construction of the house in Overijssel is now complete! While there are a few remaining tasks, such as replacing the threshold under the front door and addressing minor details, the owner has already moved in. The kitchen, bathroom, and flooring are all in place, and solar panels adorn the roof. In short, it’s a fully functional home.
However, there’s one aspect that still needs attention: the garden and the surrounding terrain. Since the owner requested that the house be elevated by 20 centimeters above ground level, adjustments are necessary. Not only does the area near the exterior doors need to be raised, but part of the street also requires elevation. Approximately 80 cubic meters of additional earth will be added (equivalent to about 10 truckloads). Additionally, this elevation affects the manhole covers for the sewer system (“putdeksels”), which must be adjusted accordingly.
When considering raising your own house, remember this crucial detail: while the elevated appearance is aesthetically pleasing, don’t overlook the manhole covers!