Gardening while building

Gardening while building

Building a new house takes ages. Years, literally. Buying a plot, making a design, asking for permissions, changing the design, waiting, changing a bit more, waiting a little longer. And all the time you are mentally busy, but physically you can do nothing, except wait. Just wait.

But some clients can’t wait. They start with the garden. Grass, trees, hedges. And why not… We can tell you why not: because in a minute we will show up with our fifteen ton crane and turn your garden into a wasteland.

Our advise: wait a little more.

But every now and then a client shows it can be done: building a house and gardening on the same plot. This client prepared a grass field, planted fruit trees and dug a pond, and at the same time he left a nice 10-meter ring around his house so we would not feel guilty when driving our crane into his millimetered grass field.